This soft genre crime drama pilot written by Diane Ademu-John, a guilt-ridden FBI agent is plucked out of an insane asylum in order to enter a top secret division that enters the minds of the dead to solve cases. As he joins the ranks, he learns that the ghosts of his past aren’t the only ones haunting him as he is targeted by a supernatural serial killer.
Diane is currently showrunning the new DUNE series for Legendary and HBOMax and is currently under a Legendary overall deal. Previously served as an Executive Producer on Netflix’s HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR which is the 2nd season of HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE as well as an Executive Producer on Fox’s smash hit, EMPIRE and was under an overall deal at 20th. Previously she served as Executive Producer on THE ORIGINALS where she had been since the show’s inception. Before that she worked on BODY OF PROOF for the run of that show, was on MEDIUM for several seasons, and got her start on CROSSING JORDAN.