This series begins with the safe return of Cora and Isabel — kidnapped over a decade ago — to their homes in California’s picturesque Central Coast. It is the story of two girls fighting to return to the lives they left years ago, while a community fights to return to the normal it had just the day before.
From writer Brendan Kelly (Revenge, What/If, David Makes Man), this crime drama flips the script on the kidnapping trope, looking at what happens after an abduction. Years before, in an unassuming small town, two teenage girls went missing, and one man is on death row for one of their murders. Everything starts to unravel when they are found alive. The detective whose career was aided by framing the wrong man must find the real kidnappers, and the girls must try to adjust as they go back to their families, after being out of society for years. The emotionally complex series asks – Can you really go back home again?